remember remember the fith of november...
facebook soll brennen!
anon vs facebook
- holdem
- Beiträge: 156
- Registriert: Di 16. Nov 2010, 00:36
- Charakter: Holdem
- Armory: ... m/advanced
- Seite: Allianz
- Gilde: in Harmony
- Klasse: Shaman
- Rasse: Draenei
- Geschlecht: Male
- Level: 85
- Realm: Thrall
- Wohnort: Dresden
anon vs facebook
I kill two orcs in da morning,I kill two orcs at night,I kill two orcs in the afternoon, and than I feel alright.I kill two orcs in time of peace and two in time of war,I kill two orcs before I kill two orcs, and then I kill two more.